Sunday, April 28, 2013

Minecraft: Brewing / Potions! (Beta 1.9 Pre-Release 5)

Minecraft: Brewing / Potions! (Beta 1.9 Pre-Release 5)

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download

Tube. Duration : 13.45 Mins.

Minecraft: Brewing / Potions! (Beta 1.9 Pre-Release 5)

It would be awesome if you could leave a rating if you liked it :). And yes, I am aware Pre-Release 6 is out. I'll be checking it out. Peaceful Map Download:...

Minecraft: Brewing / Potions! (Beta 1.9 Pre-Release 5)

Minecraft: Brewing / Potions! (Beta 1.9 Pre-Release 5)

Minecraft: Brewing / Potions! (Beta 1.9 Pre-Release 5)

Minecraft: Brewing / Potions! (Beta 1.9 Pre-Release 5)

No URL Minecraft: Brewing / Potions! (Beta 1.9 Pre-Release 5)

Herbalife Scam - The Need To Know Truth About Herbalife

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Herbalife truly is a company gone international with distributors in 65 countries. Don't let this figure fool you into not investigating the truths surrounding the Herbalife scam.

The Herbalife scam is real and what follows is a quick summary of why you might want to avoid this company.

A) All Scams Have Their Beginnings

Founded in 1980 by Mark Hughes (who died at the young age of 44, was an avid consumer of his own products and whose dead body was found with substantial levels of alcohol and sleeping pills), Herbalife is now over 25 years old and boasts 1.5 million distributors in 65 countries.

Well, that statistic is proof that the company's promises of unlimited earning potential and world class nutritional and supplemental products certainly grabs the attention of potential prospects. But what happens to most of these prospects once they become distributors?

B) Sucking You Dry

It wouldn't be right to ignore the positive attributes of the company while touting a Herbalife scam, so here are some good things:

  • Low startup costs - around 8 for the standard opportunity pack, or so for the mini-pack
  • Minimal risks
  • No experience necessary (this attribute sells a lot of people on Herbalife)

Now, the above costs are not much. However, once you become an independent distributor you will be bombarded by your sponsor to buy thousands of dollars worth of products in your first month or two under the basic premise that you'll be in profit within only a couple of weeks due to the enormous demand for the company products, no problem.

Wrong, there is a big problem.

According to Herbalife corporate, the average distributor's 2006 earnings per month was ,100, and from what I have heard recently that figure is expected to drop for 2007. I feel that this is a decent average to report, however, let's take a look at the following:

  • Close to only 1% of Herbalife distributors are responsible for earning over 85% of the company's wealth - that means near 99% of the company is fighting for the remaining 15% of sales that make up the billion dollar Herbalife empire

These are not the percentages you want to see when considering a multi-level marketing company. Additionally:

  • Herbalife products, on average, are sold at 30% more than the very same product with the very same ingredients, only with a different name, at most nutritional stores

What does this mean? It means supply and demand go out the window and so does your invested money. Nobody is going to pay the lopsided prices the company dictates unless they are not aware of the many competitive, cheaper products out there. As a result, you won't be making many sales.

C) The Larger Picture

Although me and many others out there believe the Herbalife scam is real, I will admit that the compensation plan is fairly rewarding. It is rewarding for those who along with the people they sign up can sell massive volumes of product in order to make up for the small profit on each individual product.

For anyone not interested in the Herbalife scam, try to find a company that rewards you for your sales immediately, without having to pass up any to your sponsor.

Lightning Quick Financial Success

The Herbalife scam is real, avoid it like the plague. Regardless of which products or programs you decide to promote, the number one key to phenomenal financial success online is mastering effective marketing strategies. A mentor can help you to do this, so always be on the lookout for one.

Once you know how to market effectively and believe in the product you are marketing, you will absolutely succeed!

Herbalife Scam - The Need To Know Truth About Herbalife

Herbalife Scam - The Need To Know Truth About Herbalife

Herbalife Scam - The Need To Know Truth About Herbalife
Herbalife Scam - The Need To Know Truth About Herbalife

Master internet marketer Justin Michael earns his living marketing online and helping others to do the same. For a limited time only Justin is offering a 1 on 1 mentoring to those who are serious about making money online. So, if you are genuinely determined to strengthen your marketing strategies to create more wealth than ever before, you should contact Justin ASAP.

For information on how you can take control of your financial situation and achieve great wealth online, visit Liquid Wealth Online or you may reach him at:


For helpful information on powerful marketing strategies to profit massively online, check out more Herbalife Marketing Secrets!

It would be awesome if you could leave a rating if you liked it :). And yes, I am aware Pre-Release 6 is out. I'll be checking it out. Peaceful Map Download:...


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Minecraft Invention #7: The Automatic Brewing Systems

Minecraft Invention #7: The Automatic Brewing Systems

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download

Tube. Duration : 12.62 Mins.

Minecraft Invention #7: The Automatic Brewing Systems

In this video I show you 2 fully automated brewing systems. The first one is a big but compact one where you can choose what ingredients you want to use. Tha...

Minecraft Invention #7: The Automatic Brewing Systems

Minecraft Invention #7: The Automatic Brewing Systems

Minecraft Invention #7: The Automatic Brewing Systems

Minecraft Invention #7: The Automatic Brewing Systems

No URL Minecraft Invention #7: The Automatic Brewing Systems

4 Sexy Techniques on How to Arouse a Woman - A Man's Guide to Seduce and Turn a Woman On

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download


There are only a few effective techniques on how to be successful when it comes to how to turn women on and there are also only quite a few men who know about it. Lucky souls. But wait. There are a few effective tips for the newbies making you look absolutely smooth and sensual to the ladies like a pro. Now, before your little lesson on how to arouse a woman, you must first remember that it takes a certain amount of confidence, sexual appeal, right mindset and attitude to nail it successfully --- here are a few tips to get started:

  • Create the mood. Sometimes, it's all about the mood --- so make sure you create the right ambiance to make her feel at ease, relaxed and definitely poised to get turned on. Nice music, good food, dim lights --- these little things might just do the trick but engaging her in a conversation helps a lot. Remember that women want to be able to connect with you before anything else --- so sharpen your wits and impress her with your sense of humor tonight.
  • Mental stimulation. Men get attracted visually, while women get turned on mentally --- that's one of the most distinct things that separate the males from the female herd. So don't get all that physical the instant she sits beside you. Hold your reins and stay calm --- she needs to talk first of all. So do her a favor, engage in a little chitchat and she'll be more that willing to get naughty with you in a little bit.
  • Marvel at her beauty.Tell a girl she's pretty and that's enough to make her blush and feel absolutely desirable --- this is one of every girl's deep fantasies is to hear a guy say that she's beautiful and sexy. They value appearance a lot and they get totally turned on when they feel wanted and desired. So keep those compliments coming! Just don't be too needy for attention or else she'll turn into an absolute ice queen and flee.
  • Make her feel special.Truth is, majority of the female species are still damsels-in-distress waiting for the dear old knight in shining armor to come to their rescue. They long for an alpha male who is strong and dominant and will protect her no matter what --- so unleash your inner Romeo and make her feel absolutely special like no other.
Do you want to become a master when it comes to the art of flirting and be an absolute expert in reading signs of sexual tension? Do you have what it takes to be an expert with women and know more on how to arouse a woman and other seduction tips for men? Unravel more secrets of seduction and other seduction methods by visiting my website right now. It holds all amazing techniques on how to be great and sensual with women you thought you'd never get a chance with!

4 Sexy Techniques on How to Arouse a Woman - A Man's Guide to Seduce and Turn a Woman On

4 Sexy Techniques on How to Arouse a Woman - A Man's Guide to Seduce and Turn a Woman On

4 Sexy Techniques on How to Arouse a Woman - A Man's Guide to Seduce and Turn a Woman On
4 Sexy Techniques on How to Arouse a Woman - A Man's Guide to Seduce and Turn a Woman On

If you are truly serious about mastering the art of attraction and being able to date and seduce ANY girl you want, visit this free website now and get a free report: Master Online Dater

In this video I show you 2 fully automated brewing systems. The first one is a big but compact one where you can choose what ingredients you want to use. Tha...


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Episode 22 - Jack Hendler of Jack's Abby Brewing

Episode 22 - Jack Hendler of Jack's Abby Brewing

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download

Tube. Duration : 54.18 Mins.

Episode 22 - Jack Hendler of Jack's Abby Brewing

Show notes: Jack Hendler of Jack's Abby Brewing in Framingham, MA joins us.

Episode 22 - Jack Hendler of Jack's Abby Brewing

Episode 22 - Jack Hendler of Jack's Abby Brewing

Episode 22 - Jack Hendler of Jack's Abby Brewing

Episode 22 - Jack Hendler of Jack's Abby Brewing

No URL Episode 22 - Jack Hendler of Jack's Abby Brewing

Show notes: Jack Hendler of Jack's Abby Brewing in Framingham, MA joins us.


Friday, April 19, 2013

Easy Home Brewing - Lion Dark Ale Kit

Easy Home Brewing - Lion Dark Ale Kit

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download

Tube. Duration : 12.33 Mins.

Easy Home Brewing - Lion Dark Ale Kit

This is a simple extract kit that was sent to me by SteveJamesBar from New Zealand.

Easy Home Brewing - Lion Dark Ale Kit

Easy Home Brewing - Lion Dark Ale Kit

Easy Home Brewing - Lion Dark Ale Kit

Easy Home Brewing - Lion Dark Ale Kit

No URL Easy Home Brewing - Lion Dark Ale Kit

This is a simple extract kit that was sent to me by SteveJamesBar from New Zealand.


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Roc Brewing Harlem Shake

Roc Brewing Harlem Shake

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download

Video Clips. Duration : 0.58 Mins.

Roc Brewing Harlem Shake

Roc Brewing Co. in Rochester NY joins in on the Harlem Shake.

Roc Brewing Harlem Shake

Roc Brewing Harlem Shake

Roc Brewing Harlem Shake

Roc Brewing Harlem Shake

No URL Roc Brewing Harlem Shake

Roc Brewing Co. in Rochester NY joins in on the Harlem Shake.


Sunday, April 14, 2013

Budweiser Brewery Tour - The Brewing Process

Budweiser Brewery Tour - The Brewing Process

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download

Tube. Duration : 7.95 Mins.

Budweiser Brewery Tour - The Brewing Process

Budweiser Brewery Tour - The Brewing Process explained.

Budweiser Brewery Tour - The Brewing Process

Budweiser Brewery Tour - The Brewing Process

Budweiser Brewery Tour - The Brewing Process

Budweiser Brewery Tour - The Brewing Process

No URL Budweiser Brewery Tour - The Brewing Process

The Meaning and Symbolism Behind the Lotus Flower Tattoo

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Lotus flowers are amazing and have strong symbolic ties to many Asian religions especially throughout India. The lotus flower starts as a small flower down at the bottom of a pond in the mud and muck. It slowly grows up towards the waters surface continually moving towards the light. Once it come to the surface of the water the lotus flower begins to blossom and turn into a beautiful flower.

Within Hinduism and Buddhism the lotus flower has become a symbol for awakening to the spiritual reality of life. The meaning varies slightly between the two religions of course but essentially both religious traditions place importance on the lotus flower.

In modern times the meaning of a lotus flower tattoo ties into it's religious symbolism and meaning. Most tattoo enthusiast feel that the a lotus tattoo represent life in general. As the lotus flower grows up from the mud into a object of great beauty people also grow and change into something more beautiful (hopefully!). So the symbol represent the struggle of life at its most basic form.

Lotus flower tattoos are also popular for people who have gone through a hard time and are now coming out of it. Like the flower they have been at the bottom in the muddy, yucky dirty bottom of the pond but have risen above this to display an object of beauty or al ife of beauty as the case might be. Thus a lotus flower tattoo or blossom can also represent a hard time in life that has been overcome.

Lotus flower and peonies are also two flowers that are very popular among Japanese tattoo artists and they make a great compliment to Koi Fish tattoos. Ironically enough the two koi fish and lotus flowers can often be found in the same pond in front of a temple. The Koi fish is a symbol typically for strength and individualism.

The Meaning and Symbolism Behind the Lotus Flower Tattoo

The Meaning and Symbolism Behind the Lotus Flower Tattoo

The Meaning and Symbolism Behind the Lotus Flower Tattoo
The Meaning and Symbolism Behind the Lotus Flower Tattoo

Chris is an avid tattoo enthusiast, as well as an observer and writer of the tattoo scene. He has run numerous tattoo related website business in the past. However, now he provides great tattoo information in the form of articles and web pages for everyone to enjoy free. Check out this page for more on tattoo sleeve designs, or here for awesome Free Star Tattoo Designs.

Budweiser Brewery Tour - The Brewing Process explained.


Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Beer Diaries #10 (512) Brewing Company

The Beer Diaries #10 (512) Brewing Company

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download

Tube. Duration : 34.65 Mins.

The Beer Diaries #10 (512) Brewing Company

Greg Zeschuk, host of The Beer Diaries, visits (512) Brewing Company, of Austin, Texas, to talk to head brewer Nate Seale. Greg and Nate discuss (512)'s awes...

The Beer Diaries #10 (512) Brewing Company

The Beer Diaries #10 (512) Brewing Company

The Beer Diaries #10 (512) Brewing Company

The Beer Diaries #10 (512) Brewing Company

No URL The Beer Diaries #10 (512) Brewing Company

Greg Zeschuk, host of The Beer Diaries, visits (512) Brewing Company, of Austin, Texas, to talk to head brewer Nate Seale. Greg and Nate discuss (512)'s awes...


Sunday, April 7, 2013

Milwaukee Brewing Company Tour

Milwaukee Brewing Company Tour

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download

Tube. Duration : 2.85 Mins.

Milwaukee Brewing Company Tour

Please check out my travel blog on Gadling, And my personal site, Twitter: @DaveSem https...

Milwaukee Brewing Company Tour

Milwaukee Brewing Company Tour

Milwaukee Brewing Company Tour

Milwaukee Brewing Company Tour

No URL Milwaukee Brewing Company Tour

Tabata Anything - Four Minutes of Pain to Gain

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The Tabata protocol is a high-intensity training regimen that produces remarkable results. A Tabata workout (also called a Tabata sequence) is an interval training cycle of 20 seconds of maximum intensity exercise, followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated without pause 8 times for a total of four minutes. In a group context, you can keep score by counting how many lifts/jumps/whatever you do in each of the 20 second rounds. The round with the smallest number is your score.

Credit for this simple and powerful training method belongs to its namesake, Dr. Izumi Tabata and a team of researchers from the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo, Japan. Their groundbreaking 1996 study, published in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports & Exercise, provided documented evidence concerning the dramatic physiological benefits of high-intensity intermittent training. After just 6 weeks of testing, Dr. Tabata noted a 28% increase in anaerobic capacity in his subjects, along with a 14% increase in their ability to consume oxygen (V02Max). These results were witnessed in already physically fit athletes. The conclusion was that just four minutes of Tabata interval training could do more to boost aerobic and anaerobic capacity than an hour of endurance exercise.

Although Dr. Tabata used a mechanically braked exercise cycle machine, you can apply this protocol to almost any exercise. For example, a basic Tabata workout can be performed with sit-ups. The more muscles used the better, so use full knees-bent sit-ups. Sit-up non-stop for 20-second intervals, followed by 10 seconds of rest. Repeat for a total of 8 cycles.

How effective can just 4 minutes of exercise be? ... Very. You will be amazed at how intense the four minutes of exercise will feel. The intervals tax both your aerobic and anaerobic energy systems. To be clear, this isn't "eight sets of eight," although the goal of doing eight reps in each of the 20-second clusters is about right. Instead it's "as many reps as I can get in" during the twenty seconds, followed by ten seconds rest.

It helps to be able to see a wall clock with a second hand during your four minutes of fun. Stop at twenty seconds, rest ten seconds, and go again. Watching the clock helps with your focus and also in keeping count of the eight cycles...

Here is a longer Tabata workout example. This workout consists of 4 separate Tabata Intervals, each 4 minutes. The total workout will last 16 minutes. Always begin with a moderate warm-up and cool down session. And if you are not already in good shape, check with a doctor before trying.

* Jump Rope

* Pushups

* Squats

* Chin-ups or Pull-ups

Note the 10-second rest periods in the Tabata workout are important, both physically and mentally. Not only do they allow partial recovery, they also provide psychological relief. Switching back and forth from work to rest makes the workout go quickly. Plus, it allows you to train at a higher level of intensity, which what intervals are all about.

Another good exercise for Tabatas is the "squat thruster." The squat thruster is one of the great lifts being made popular by organizations such as CrossFit. Take two dumbbells and hold them at shoulder height. Squat down, pushing your rear-end back, keeping the dumbbells on the shoulders. As you rise up, press the bells to the overhead lockout position. You can either press as you rise or use the momentum to help "kick" the bells overhead. Keep your weight in your heals and go light! A 25 pound dumbbell in each hand is a very difficult thruster workout!

Pretty much any form of cardiovascular exercise that uses a large number of muscles can be tailored to fit Tabata interval workouts, so feel free to be creative. In addition to the exercises mentioned above, use them with sprints, burpees, a jump rope, the heavy bag, treadmill or rowing machine. Lessen the likelihood of injury by choosing a rate of intensity suited to your level of conditioning - be conservative. Incorporate variety into your Tabata workouts. A few sessions per week will offer plenty of intensity.

Tabata Anything - Four Minutes of Pain to Gain

Tabata Anything - Four Minutes of Pain to Gain

Tabata Anything - Four Minutes of Pain to Gain
Tabata Anything - Four Minutes of Pain to Gain

John Harker is a cardio kickboxing teacher in Santa Cruz, California. He teaches at Westside Aerobics and Martial Arts. More information can be found on their website at His personal site is

Please check out my travel blog on Gadling, And my personal site, Twitter: @DaveSem https...


Monday, April 1, 2013

Brewing 011613

Brewing 011613

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download

Video Clips. Duration : 14.65 Mins.

Brewing 011613

Brewing 011613

Brewing 011613

Brewing 011613

Brewing 011613

No URL Brewing 011613
