Thursday, August 18, 2011

Keurig B60 present

In this review of the Keurig B60, I will be trying to convince you that the machine is truly worth parting with some hard-earned cash for. There is a lot of competition out there, so why should you select the Keurig B60 over say a Tassimo or a Senseo? Well, let me go over a few over the features that I think will show you why.

The Keurig B60 can brew 3 separate sizes of coffee, 5.25, 7.25 and 9.25. This is a nice option of sizes that should cover most peoples' needs in cup size. It also has plentifulness of space adequate for a tall trip mug.


You can get a cut off filter which allows you to put your popular blends. The Keurig B60 is incredibly easy to use. There are no paper filters required and it doesn't leave coffee grinds in the lowest of your cup. Something I wish was true of all coffee makers.

Keurig B60 present

The Keurig buyer assistance hotline is top class as well, I have never been mis-treated by them before, to be honest they go above and beyond the call of duty when it comes to politeness. The last time I spoke to a member of there buyer assistance team, they answered all of my potentially irritating questions without even the sLightest grumble. Something to be redeemed these days.

If we are honest, this machine, is not on the cheap end of the coffee maker price scale. But we absolutely get our money's worth, the coffee here is indubitably quite excellent. In expanding to this, consider how much you pay for a cup of coffee at the coffee shop, ? ? Probably, if not more. With the Keurig B60, you are probably paying an median of about 40 cents a cup... The machine pays for itself! (over the course of a year maybe... But who isn't planning to use their coffee maker for that long?)

Keurig B60 present

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