Sunday, September 11, 2011

How To Fix Keurig Coffee Maker Problems

If you have ever researched purchasing a singular serve coffee maker you no doubt have discovered the Keurig line of coffee makers. These machines are a spectacular, increasing to any kitchen and Supply a large option of singular cup coffee blends and flavors.

Keurig coffee makers range from the Keurig B31 Mini Plus Brewer to the Keurig special Edition B60 gastronome singular Serve Coffee Maker to the top of the line Keruig Platinum Brewing System. While these are great machines you will soon examine that there are a number of complaints by consumers posted on the internet.


The most coarse complaint is that the machine naturally quits working after some period of time. For example, reviews on Amazon show that about 10% of purchasers have complaints about the units they received while the remainder of the reviews is very positive, giving the machines an farranging pleasure rating of 4 out of 5 stars.

How To Fix Keurig Coffee Maker Problems

It appears that most of these disgruntled consumers return their unit for replacement, and in some cases the replacement works no better. However, it appears that the problem may be related more to the potential of tap water used than any other factor.

If you use well water it will be full of a collection of minerals along with calcium which can build up within the thin water lines and filter of the Keurig coffee maker. While discouraging the problem can be fixed quite easily, and it may be better to use bottled water which has most of those minerals reMoved.

If your Keurig coffee maker quits here is how to descale and clean the machine:

  • Pour undiluted white vinegar into the brewer's reservoir to the fill level mark;
  • Place a coffee cup on the drip tray;
  • Make sure the lid is concluded and then run a brew cycle;
  • Pour the contents of the coffee cup back into the water reservoir, run a second brew cycle - However, this time turn the machine off as soon as it begins dispensing the liquid into the coffee cup!
  • Let the brewer stand for 30 minutes after disposing of the contents of the coffee cup before continuing;
  • Fill the water reservoir with distilled water and then run other brew cycle into a coffee cup throwing the contents of the coffee cup away;
  • Repeat the previous step until the reservoir is empty.

Once you have concluded the above you may find that there is a nasty taste to your coffee left behind by the vinegar. In that case you will need to run complicated brew cycles with just distilled water before resuming use of your coffee maker.

In increasing to these problems there have been some reports of leaking from the Keurig brewer water reservoir. This is commonly caused by a blockage in the filter or water lines which does not allow the water to flow through the coffee maker and into your cup.

Again, the best explication is to wholly clean the machine until the leak is stopped and the brewer works properly. As with all mechanical devices your Keurig coffee machine requires periodic maintenance in order to make sure it continues to work properly.

How To Fix Keurig Coffee Maker Problems

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